Fr Rob Galea

Lady Gaga and Mercy - Fr. Rob Galea

Zveřejnil system, 1. října 2021
31917 shlédnutí

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In the light of the recent ongoing discussion of Lady Gaga's search for Mercy and Truth Fr. Rob Galea offers a few points for reflection.


Points for Class/Youth Group Discussion:

- Watch Video -

1. What does it mean to have 'an encounter with God'?

2. Name some people in the Bible who have had such an encounter.

3. Lady Gaga said:
"I was so moved today when you said.. "The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food that God gives us." - Father Duffell, Blessed Sacrament Church. Nourishment."
What did Father Duffell mean by that?

4. Why do you think some people are 'suspicious' about Lady Gaga speaking out about her love for and gratitude towards God?

5. We all need mercy; we all mess up... Does God wait for us to be perfect to follow Him?

6. In response to her critics Lady Gaga says:
"Mary Magdalene washed the feet of Christ and was protected and loved by him. A prostitute. Someone society shames as if she and her body are a man's trash can. He loved her and did not judge. He let her cry over him and dry his feet with the hair of a harlot. We are not just "celebrities" we are humans and sinners, children, and our lives are not void of values because we struggle. We are as equally forgiven as our neighbor. God is never a trend no matter who the believer."
What does she mean by this?

7. God loves us as we are, but patiently calls us to perfection; in other words, God show us mercy but we need to respond to that mercy. Lady Gaga (as St Peter did) has begun that process of response to mercy but is not quite at the 'AGAPE' stage yet. What does this mean?

8. Where do I need mercy/have I received mercy in my life, and how can I respond to God's offer of mercy?

Kategorie: Fr Rob Galea
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